Inspiring Love Quotes Biography
Source (, yang tidak pernah kamu mengerti. Dia, racun yang membunuhmu perlahan. Dia, yang kamu reka dan kamu cipta. Sebelah darimu menginginkan agar dia datang, membencimu hingga muak dia mendekati gila, menertawakan segala kebodohannya, kehilafan untuk sampai jatuh hati kepadamu, menyesalkan magis yang hadir naluriah setiap kalian berjumpa. Akan kamu kirimkan lagi tiket bioskop, bon restoran, semua tulisannya --dari mulai nota sebaris sampai doa berbait-bait. Dan beceklah pipi-nya karena geli, karena asap dan abu dari benda-benda yang dia hanguskan--bukti bahwa kalian pernah saling tergila-gila--beterbangan masuk ke matanya. Semoga dia pergi dan tak pernah menoleh lagi. Hidupmu, hidupnya, pasti akan lebih mudah.”
I have nothing to offer you," he finally said in a guttural voice.
Win's lips had turned dry. She moistened them, and tried to speak through a thrill of anxious trembling. "You have yourself," she whispered.
"You don't know me. You think you do, but you don't. The things I've done, the things I'm capable of--you and your family, all you know of life comes from books. If you understood anything--"
"Make me understand. Tell me what is so terrible that you must keep pushing me away."
He shook his head.
"Then stop torturing the both of us," she said unsteadily. "Leave me, or let me go."
"I can't," he snapped. "I can't, damn you." And before she could make a sound, he kissed her.” “Thus is the nature of love: that you must use it! A love unused is not love! If it is something that sits on the shelf that you don't know what to do with, it is not true to the nature of love! Use love!” “Jika kisahmu diulang seribu tahun setelah kepergianmu, maka mereka yang mencintaimu akan merasakan kehilangan yang sama dengan para sahabat yang menyaksikan hari terakhirmu, wahai Lelaki yang Cintanya Tak Pernah Berakhir. Mereka membaca kisahmu, ikut tersenyum bersamamu, bersedih karena penderitaanmu, membuncah bangga oleh keberhasilanmu, dan berair mata ketika mendengar berita kepergiamnmu. Seolah engkau kemarin ada di sisi, dan esok tiada lagi. (Muhammad - Para Pengeja Hujan)” “Then you must tell 'em dat love ain't somethin' lak uh grindstone dat's de same thing everywhere and do de same thing tuh everything it touch. Love is lak de sea. It's uh movin' thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets, and it's different with every shore.” They were from two different worlds. Two entirely different people. But upon their coming together, they created- they found- their own path and together they had their own world and in their own world, they were the same. Everyone else outside of it- everyone else was over there. Away. And they together- they together were here. They were right here. They were the same.” “Maybe we shouldn't be looking for love. Maybe we should be looking for a person. Because maybe you can find love in a person, but not have that person. So if you look for love, what you will find is love. But if you want to belong to someone, and you want someone to belong to you, you should look for a person.”