Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jackie Chan - on Ellen's Top Show


Jackie Chan is blacklisted from all insurance companies in Hong Kong!! And that’s just one story he tells Ellen Degeneres on her show. He’s the best guest evar! The full-length appearance has been posted to youtube! Also, two more reviews and Jackie Chan’s NPR interview, all after the cut!

Jackie on NPR!

Jackie appeared on the syndicated radio show ‘All Things Considered’ on NPR, in a completely opposite kind of interview from the Ellen show. He talks about the movie, but also his life growing up and late revelations he learned about his father. NPR’s Robert Siegel also examines the movie, comparing it to The Wizard of Oz, with Lu Yan as the Cowardly Lion. You can read about it and hear the 9-minute interview at NPR!

Jackie Chan did an interview with Ellen on CNN, maybe he was the best guest ever, he was in my opinion. Jackie is so humorous. I loved the part about his washing his underwear and more. Jackie stars with Jet Li in The Forbidden Kingdom as showed on the above photo, which opens Friday next week, on 18 April.

Two New Reviews FOUND!

The Jason Watching Movies blog went to the San Francisco screening and had this to say!

It’s odd enough that they’ve never teamed up to make a movie. Despite the contrasts in their styles, they’re both huge action stars who (as this movie shows) can complement each other very well. Odder still, when they finally do unite, it’s in an American movie? At least, that’s what was going through my mind as I waited for the movie to start–’They’re gonna Americanize this too much, they need an obligatory American hero to sell it domestically, and that’s going to ruin it.’ Fortunately, as the movie rolled I quickly realized that this isn’t a movie that belongs to America, nor is it a movie that really belongs to China, it’s a movie that belongs to the international legions of Shaw Brothers fans.

Read the whole review at Jason Watching Movies!

Film Intuition also saw the movie and raved…

In Michael Mann’s Heat, audiences felt their breaths catch waiting for Al Pacino and Robert De Niro to converse together onscreen in the diner, each sizing the other man up in a way that feels nearly Shakespearean. In the movies of Nora Ephron, we felt a similar thrill when Tom Hanks fell in love with Meg Ryan and the two began their happily ever after in the sunny, flower-filled Central Park conclusion of You’ve Got Mail. And in the first onscreen pairing of legendary action stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan for director Rob Minkoff’s The Forbidden Kingdom, as soon as Chan stumbles into the same scene as Li and utters, “Do you come here often?” the last thing I wanted for the men was the two to chat or fall in love. Instead, like nearly every other audience member and undoubtedly Chan and Li themselves, I wanted to see them fight. And fight they do in this uneven but gorgeous spectacle before their characters end up on the same side in helping a modern day South Boston teen who, via a pawnshop and a magical Bo Staff that’s propelled him back in time to ancient China, return the staff to its rightful owner, the Monkey King (Li in a second role).